Recognized in the industry for strategic government communications, I've given numerous strategic marketing and communications strategy presentations Nationally, Regionally, State-wide, and Locally. Each presentation and power point is curtailed towards the audience. Reach out today for a proposal.
List of Presentations:
I've been honored to be invited by these wonderful organizations to provide presentations on programming, marketing, branding, and strategic communications. Prior to 2012 I gave presentations on how to develop and operate an internship program and how to produce election coverage.
Opening Remarks/Moderator - ACM/NATOA (Alliance for Community Media/National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors) Regional Conference
Social Media Presentation - NATOA National Conference
Social Media Presentation - SCAN NATOA (States of California and Nevada Chapter Conference
Blogging Tips and Tricks - ACM Central States Regional Conference
Crisis Communications - MLGMA (Michigan Local Government Management Association)
Speaker - MAB (Michigan Association of Broadcasters) Statewide Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference
Closed Captioning for Government Channels - Michigan NATOA Statewide Zoom Meeting
175th Anniversary Meridian and Delta Townships Opening Remarks/Moderator - Lansing Capital Senate Room​
Engage Your Audience Through Storytelling - MAB Statewide Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference
Diversity in Media - MAB Statewide Great Lakes Broadcasting Conference
Panelist - NATOA
Marketing and Storytelling tips - Parks Association of Michigan One Day Conference
Communicating to Your Audience - MGFOA (Michigan Government Financial Officers Association) Statewide Conference
Top 3 Strategies for Effective Communications - MGFOA
Engaging Your Community Through Technology - MTA (Michigan Township Association)
HOMTV Programming: A Voice for the Voiceless - NATOA National Conference
Government Communications - WKTV Podcast Grand Rapids